Terms of use


Welcome to our online store skinglos.com (e-shop). The e-shop, belongs to the Company "Skin Glos", located in Ioannina, on Ar. Valaoriti 3, with VAT number 049417105, Tax Office in Ioannina, (hereinafter Company), with GEMI number 160900629000, tel. Contact 6949126653, e-mail: info@skinglos.com 

Your access and use of this website by any registered or non-visitor shall be governed by the terms of use and operation of the website.
Each and every visitor, user or customer of the shop under the name of website www.skinglos.com before accessing, browsing and in any way using this website (such as: registration, online order, browse, search beauty and health advice , transaction), states clearly, expressly and unreservedly that fully accepts the terms of use and operation of the website (the terms) and any other condition that meets the requirements of the law and can be located within this website, in addition to this text, but not limited to the following positions: How to order, payment methods, Shipping Methods, Product's return (these terms by adding the terms that are in the above positions form part of the terms of transactions with the www.skinglos.com). Applicable for terms, apply to any other term that meets the requirements of the law and may be located within this website, beyond this text. The unconditional acceptance of the above terms, is a condition of access and use of this website. The acceptance of the terms is inherent in a conspicuous place, and access to them will be indicated and facilitated by appropriate, according to business ethics. The terms contained in this website, which have been formulated in advance for future contracts (general terms of transactions), bind the consumer, as far as the requirements of the law are concerned, are instructed, that is, their existence from our online store and gives the opportunity to the consumer to receive actual knowledge of their content (N.2251 / 1994). A user’s registration on this website constitutes an automatic, unconditional acceptance of use and operating conditions of the site and the transaction with the website  skinglos.com store constitutes an automatic, unconditional acceptance of the terms of trade in general.Please read carefully the terms below and the other above terms, before you take any action, interaction, access, transaction and use of this website and as you comply with them.

The Company reserves the right to amend / revise / abrogate free, unilaterally and without notice the terms of use and operation of this website and in general trading conditions with the e-shop, within the law. Only by posting on this website is sufficient to put in place any new term, or modify or remove the existing terms, subject to the already confirmed Company orders. The visitors / users should periodically check whether changes have been made in these terms. Only post terms on this website and in any other part of the site qualifies to inform users of any changes to the terms. The use of this website and the services therein requires service and confirms the acceptance by the user of pre-existing conditions, as applicable each time, with the respective modifications, interventions and removals from the Company. Eventual removal of some of the terms (user - site operation and transactions), shall not render void the rest. In case of a user disagrees with the content of the terms (user - site operation and transactions) you are asked to refrain from any action, interaction, access, transaction and use of this website.The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, and discontinue the operation of this website and on this service, for maintenance purposes, etc. improvement at any time without notice, without reservations to the rights accruing to users and by third parties by law or by contract with the Company.

The contractors to the electronic www.skinglos.com store must respect the provisions of the Civil Code that regulate the ability to act and the general validity of transactions (Art. 127 et seq. Of the Civil Code). In particular, for a valid contract with our online store requires the full legal capacity of persons contracted. Therefore, our services and products consumers make contracts validly with the Company where adults have been completed, that is, the eighteenth year of age and not in partial or complete deprivation of guardianship (Art. 128 Civil Code). Otherwise the invalidity of the transaction is complete and the transaction is deemed as if not done (AK 180). The invalidity of part of the transaction to result in invalidity of the entire transaction, if concluded that it would not have been attempted without the invalid part (AK 181). Consumers that join our online store www.skinglos.com the rights and obligations provided for in Articles 513 ep. AK. If the transaction is canceled for any reason, the benefits of the transaction parties sought under the provisions unjust enrichment (AK 904 ep.). Users of this website accepting the conditions required, when concluding any kind of contract electronic www.skinglos.com shop to provide complete and accurate information to the accuracy required for the successful conclusion of a valid contract with the store. Your contract with the Company, considered-established only once receive relevant e-mail «order confirmation" by the company (or corresponding content FAX) and shall be terminated upon the full repayment of the order and, in accordance with the following, delivery of the product. The parties with our online store provide mandatory valid e-mail address when ordering a product (or FAX number in case you do not have e-mail). The contract with our online store can be concluded in the Greek and the English language.

All terms (user - site operation and trading) are significant. A breach in any way in these terms by the visitor - user incurs the penalty of existing legislation and the obligation of the visitor-user to make good any damage the Company or third from illegal and contrary to the terms of these user behavior. The Company in case of violation of these terms, may prohibit a user to access the website www.skinglos.com and the services provided, to delete the user account and the information that the user is notified on this website without any warning and to exercise all the rights conferred by law. The non-exercise by the Company of one of these terms or of the rights of law does not imply a waiver of those rights. These terms (user - website and trading operation) and their contents may not result for the company greater responsibility than law.
Except for liability and obligations of users of this website, described in all terms (user - site operation and transactions), guests - users have the following further obligations:
Users are required to act within the law of the Greek state including the generally accepted rules of international law and the international conventions ratified by a law and put into effect in accordance with their respective conditions, which are an integral part of domestic Greek law, and shall prevail over any contrary provision of law (article. 28, paragraph 1, Constitution 1975/1986/2001), to respect and abide by all European law or international law that applies to the use of this website and of services and to exercise their rights within the limits set by the good faith, morality and the social and economic purpose of their rights (art. 281 of the Civil Code).

For example:
The users should not use this website, emails or web site, the order forms and registration of users, the chat rooms and fora (forums) or any other way of expression through this website or accounts’ shop, in social media (like Facebook, google+ etc.) for posting, publication, transmission of information, data and content in general, in any form, which is illegal, unlawful, abusive, defamatory and / or false, offensive, deceptive, threatening , insulting, provocative, abusive, obscene, vulgar, profane, pornographic, racist. The communicated content is yet forbidden, to urge, to commit a felony or misdemeanor (art. 186 PC), to constitute the same or to notify through this website, punishable and expressible discriminatory action, which violates any kind of confidentiality to offend constitutionally guaranteed rights and to be opposed to the laws in general. The users also are forbidden to make known, according to the above any form of advertising, content and competitions, personal data, sensitive or not, third party confidential information about the Company or its colleagues, «spam messages», «chain letters», «pirated >> or other malicious software, protected by the Law of Intellectual Property and data projects.

Furthermore, users are advised to keep an acceptable and moderate attitude on online interaction and communication with other users on this site, to respect each other and the administrators of the website and not to adopt attitudes that are contrary to the Code of Ethical Conduct on the Internet (Netiquette). Observance of these rules contributes to the smooth operation of the Internet.

For each question, that needs clarification and any matter relating to the operation and use of the shop and the terms of use (operation of the website and trading) as well as for any information about the services provided by the store, and for any other matter, you may contact the customer service via email on info@skinglos.com

To the Company addressed statements and disclosures of the visitors and users of the website www.skinglos.com, other than the standard for processing of the contracts with our online store communications, should be sent via registered letter to the registered office of the Company. The corresponding to the user statements of the Company will be made by any appropriate means.

The specialized staff of our Company stands by you, at any time, before and after the delivery of our products, ready to solve any problem and answer any question via e-mail at info@skinglos.com

The Company states that it is not liable for any damage to the counterparty members or to a third party caused by the unlawful conduct of the other party, when it fulfills its own obligations. Third people objectively responsible exercising parental authority or custody of children, court commissioners and commissioners of minors, everyone illustrative, non-exhaustive listed, and any third party who is bound by law or by contract with our online store are not exempted from the requirement of consideration and possible compensation for the store, on the sole ground that customers directly contracted with our store, have acted unlawfully or without consent. The Company is not obliged to know the truth of the provided user’s information and considers the provider of the personal underlying data, subject to it. The contract with the Company, the use of the contractor, the option provided for the payment of a customer’s order by credit card and the subsequent provision of the legitimate holder of the credit card, binds the legitimate holder of the credit card, regardless of the person using the credit card and provide the information requested, therefore conclusively presumed consent as the legitimate holder legally permitted and charged the customer’s credit card with the price of the sale. The illegal or without the consent of the legitimate holder using a credit card for the contract with our online store, does not exempts the legal beneficiary from the obligations derived by the contract, not from any of the Company's claims for compensation, illegal act or omission of the user’s credit card.

The entrance to the site www.skinglos.com, using personal codes, where a member is appointed when registering, a presumption on the incoming person's identity, in the sense that the use of the codes shall be deemed in any event, that made by the State in which these passwords are correspond. Accordingly, the activity undertaken by the user after entering and staying in the online shop, fully engages the holder of the codes, whether it was he who entered and used the online store services, or anyone else who used these codes or without the consent / approval of the code holder. Therefore, the registered members of this store are solely responsible for the security of their passwords and any damage caused to the Company, in these and any third party of any unauthorized use thereof. For those of our members’ reasons should not disclose to third parties their personal passwords to the online store and exit (logout) from their account after checkout / their browsing, especially where they have entered from a third computer or their personal computer is accessible to others. It is consisted, in our members to inform us immediately in any case of loss, leakage, theft and / or unauthorized use of the password by unauthorized individuals, in order to assist in the change of their passwords to protect them and their personal data.

The Company is responsible solely for the information provided by the same on this website, since he is able by the law to know the accuracy and legitimacy and subject to any typographical errors or minor similar omissions. The Company closely monitors the information it provides to its visitors, subject to the general control and welfare liability for the content of this website. In the provisions of the law are applicable to liability for information society service providers, the Company shall be relieved of liability for the content that third parties any post on this website, so far as it meets the care and control obligations provided by the law.
Our Company is not responsible for deficiencies in the availability of products from force majeure, weather conditions, fire, strikes suppliers, illegal conduct of third parties and generally reasons not attributable to the fault of the Company. Our Company is required to deliver the ordered products with the denominated properties without actual faults (AK 534 ep.).

Our Company is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide services and delays in acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of ordered goods by reasons not attributable to the fault as indicative of force majeure, extreme weather conditions, natural disasters , emergencies, strikes, fire, malfunctions of partner companies courier, accidental damage or destruction of the products before delivery to the user and after given for mission, illegal interventions of the counterparty or a third party, malfunction provider Processing Online Payment (Bank) or body providing hosting (host provider) or Internet service provider (ISP) or the access provider (access provider) or the user's terminal equipment, incorrect reporting by the user and for every incident that prevents the proper fulfillment its contractual obligations. The liability of the Company is limited to under the contract with the consumer's commitments and will make any effort to respond within a reasonable period of time to them.

Our Company is not responsible for the possible bad condition of the products delivered to you where it is not due to improper storage of the products of our Company, and if taken all precautionary measures to be taken by our Company.
The Company is not responsible for the poor state of the products delivered which are liable to incorrect user’s option, careless or incorrect use of the products, to the manufacturer’s liability, improper making of the products, insufficient information or instructions which accompany the products, quality making, material security and real faults.

The Company's liability in case of a defective product is limited to replacement of this requirement, provided that the requirements of the law comply with the terms of the return policy of the Company.

The Company states that closely monitors the security level of the offered services in the electronic environment by using programs against proliferation of viruses and malware. It is recommended to visitors during their tour on this website to use protection software against viruses, Trojan horses, time bombs, etc.

Our Company does not bear responsibility for any damage to equipment (hardware), user’s programs (software) of our services and user’s data as well as any other type of false intervention of the users or others for the risks described above, since they abide with the legal obligations and take care of the necessary security measures against damages.

The Company monitors closely the information provided to visitors by the dictates of the Greek Law. However, our Company cannot prevent a possible human error, malfunction of the network or the computer systems of the company that may affect the proper provision of information to consumers about product prices, availability, or features of them. We advise visitors and users of the website www.skinglos.com in the event that you become aware of any incorrect information (e.g. unusually high or low price of some product), prior to making an order, please contact the customer’s service via e-mail at info@skinglos.com for the immediate correction of the error, a clarification on the price and the features of the product and the more efficient provision of our services to the general public. The Company reserves the right not to execute an order, even confirmed, if the characteristics (price, properties) of the products contained in the order, do not correspond to reality and price lists of the Company, that is to say, the case of erroneous registration.

The Company is not responsible for the content of websites to which our visitors are legally cited, to this current website, links (hyperlinks), frames (frames) etc. Our Company is not responsible for any damage to the user coming from the risks presented in the previous paragraph and any other harmful behavior and practice, as they occur in the electronic environment banking institution, body advertiser on this site or partner courier etc., even if the reference to these sites is from the link on this site «hyperlink», ad «banner» etc. The responsibility for the content, information, safety of visitors and protection of personal data and the quality of services provided lies solely with the owners, operators and beneficiaries of such web sites which the user visits on the user’s own responsibility.

In any differences arising from the business relationship of the web shop, www.skinglos.com, applicable law, in accordance with their place of installation, operation and financial operation of the shop and the State of origin, subject to the exceptions in the law for the protection of consumer and other criteria and discriminatory laws, it’s the law of the Greek state including generally accepted rules of international law and the international conventions validated by a law and entry into effect in accordance with their respective conditions, consist as an integral part of domestic Greek law and shall prevail over any contrary provision of law (article. 28, paragraph 1 Constitution 1975/1986/2001). The applicable law governs the taking up and pursuit of the activity and the quality and content of services, product specifications and differences arising from the contract or the law. Any dispute arising out of contracts for the provision of consumer services and products of the Company and the general use of the services of the shop, the Greek Courts and territorial jurisdiction of the Courts of Ioannina are in charge.

For any dispute that arises with our online store, at conventions, from distance, you are provided with the possibility of the online dispute resolution. The above feature out-of-court dispute resolution is provided to consumers residing in the European Union, both for domestic and cross-border transactions. To activate the process, you go to the website of the European Agency Alternative Dispute Resolution: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/index_en.htm. The electronic resolution of the dispute shall be undertaken and carried out (within 90 days) by an Independent Authority, "Consumer's Ombudsman" (http://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr/), which has been certified by the European Commission as a body recognized by out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes.
Please, before you contact the above service contact our store via email at info@skinglos.com to guide you through the steps you need to follow depending on the problem that you are experiencing.

The Company is not able or required to examine the validity, truthfulness, completion and accuracy of the information provided by the users, personal and non-personal information in the website of the web shop. The Company does not undertake any innervation or correction in the data and the information the user provides by any way in the Company, without prior notice – confirmation of the user. The Company is relieved by any liability for any damage done to the user, legal or contractual obligation towards the user and any direct or consequential claim by the user or a third party, if the user violates the terms of use and operation of this website, make false, inaccurate and inadequate provision of requested and intelligence data and develops illicit behavior within the browser on this website, infringes user behavior, statutory or customary, inadequately fulfills the legal and / or contractual obligations by acts or omissions. User expressly acknowledges and recognizes the exemption, as mentioned above, the Company and agrees to bear full responsibility for his actions and the resulting obligations to compensate victims.

Our Company delivers the ordered products to the cooperating courier companies so as to be sent to our customers. Our Company provides all collaborating companies with courier the necessary information in order to enable the delivery of the orders, among other things, the necessary details of the recipient. Our Company is exempted from any liability for any injury to the user or to the recipient or any third party may cause the delivery of the ordered product from the affiliated companies courier to a person other than the contractor, if the person resides or works or resides in the residence or workplace of the user or any other place indicated by the counterparty user of the services of the Company as a place of delivery of the ordered products and the responsibility accepted and brought by the user.

Passing of risk: In contracts where the trader dispatches the goods to the consumer, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods shall pass to the consumer when he/she or a third party indicated by the consumer and other than the carrier has acquired the physical possession of the goods. However, the risk passes to the consumer upon delivery to the carrier if the carrier was commissioned by the consumer to carry the goods and that choice was not offered by the supplier, subject to the rights of the consumer against the carrier (article 4d. 2251/1994).

It is strictly forbidden to visitors and users of the web shop to intervene in the form, functionality, services, content, data bases and any other element included in this specific web place, with the usage of any mechanism, malicious or non-software, online operation or not, sending of harmful files such us viruses , spam messages, capable of affecting, harming, suspending, interrupting and generally impede the smooth operation of this site or the connection, entry and usage of the users and jeopardize the provision of services offered. The Company reserves the right to seek compensation for damage that may be caused by this illegal behavior such as described above indicative and prosecution of the person responsible.

Projects included in this specific website www.skinglos.com, with the form of text, image, design, graphic and logos, animation (computer animation), operating system, data base, music or video clips, advertising films and slogans, which consist in the protective scope of the law 2121/1993 are copyright of the company, with subject to third party copyright holders and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law. Our Company retains the copyright of this website and its sites from which it is composed, which are protected independently as original works of visual design and applied arts, according to the specific requirements of the law as well as collections (art. 2, n. 2121/1993). The intellectual property acquired primarily without formalities. Further sites of this website are protected as databases, bearing characteristics database. The distinguishing features and the distinctive title of the shop and the distinctive features of the products available in the online store, www.skinglos.com, is protected by the current enactment relating to trade marks (n. 2239/1994) according to the specific conditions and definitions of the law.

The distinguishing features (for their use or by their establishment in trades) along with the entire content of this providing web competition (n. 146/1914). Names of places (domain names) have been legally assigned by the National Telecommunications and Post Commission (NTPC) in our company, which has among others the exclusive right to use them. Furthermore, the Company prohibits to any party registering a domain name identical according to the specific conditions and discriminatory decisions. 351/76 / 20.5.2005 and the law. Our Company is also prohibited in all third parties without the consent of the Company to use only alphanumeric elements identical to those making up the Variable Field Name Domain suffix.com (skinglos.com) of the Company for the synthesis of variable Field Name another room that '.gr the same plane in which the Non-variable field is the same as the non-variable field of the Domain Name of the Company, and shall without the consent of the Company to use only alphanumeric data similar to those from which comprised the Variable field Domain Name '.com committed to the Company for the synthesis of Variable Field Name another room that' .gr the same plane in which the Non-variable field is not the same variable field of the Domain Name company.

It is prohibited recording direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction of all projects of the preceding paragraph by any means and in any form, in whole or in part and the creation of permanent or temporary copies (subject to Art. 28B N.2121 / 1993). Further reproduction prohibited by downloading them (downloading) and storage in the computer of the visitor - user, translation, adaptation, reforming or other modification, distribution to the public in any form by sale or otherwise, rental and public lending, public performance or broadcast transmission to the public by radio and television, by electromagnetic waves or by cable or other conductive material or otherwise, parallel to the surface of the land or through satellites, communication to the public, by wire or wireless means or otherwise, the introduction of copies produced abroad without the consent of the author or, in the case of imports from countries outside the European Community when the right to import copies in Greece had been retained by the author. Also it is prohibited any form of distortion, cropping or other modification and any breach of copyright due to the conditions of presentation of projects. The appearance of these works in ofarmakopoiosmou.gr website do not constitute in any way a transfer or license or right to use.

Especially for databases of this website is prohibited temporary or permanent reproduction of the database by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, translation, adaptation, arrangement and any other alteration of databases, or any kind of distribution databases or copies to the public, any communication, display or performance of databases to the public, any reproduction, distribution, communication, display or performance to the public of the results of operations of translation, adaptation, arrangement and conversion of databases.

Deviation from the restrictions of this existing term on the protection of Intellectual Property Rights in regard to this site is permitted only with the prior written permission of our Company or the holder of copyright or after the contract of our Company or the beneficiary third carrier. Legal browsing websites of this website and the use of services offered with respect and full compliance with the terms of use and operation of this website and the current legislation does not infringe the Intellectual Property of the Company's website and its contents.

The creation of links, other than simple referral links to the homepage of this website, is allowed only with the consent of the Company. Consent of the Company is required to create distal joints, which refer to locations of this website beyond the home page, including but not limited to products available from the online store www.skinglos.com. Authors illicit link are responsible and punished according to the provisions of laws 2121/1993, 146/1914 and 2251/1994, subject to the provisions of Greek Law regulating Additionally these issues. Likewise, you may not make frames (frames), which do not meet the requirements of these laws and their placement without the written consent of www.skinglos.com.

Everyone appearing on this web site links (hyperlinks), simple or ulterior, in any form, such as, for example, the links in the form of advertising icons (banners), the referral links on websites of partner companies, courier services and the referral links on secure payment applications for credit cards, as well as the frames, are to satisfy the conditions of the law and placed with the consent of the holders-beneficiaries of the websites reference.

Our Company pays close attention to the developments of the legislation in the field of the protection of personal data on the internet and customizes directly the functions of this website, the software it uses, and how to provide the offered services, in order to ensure fully, absolutely, without exception, and declare the protection of personal data of the visitors – users of the e-store, ofarmakopoiosmou.gr. The primary concern of our Company is to provide services of a high standard with respect for the rights, fundamental freedoms, privacy, and confidentiality of communication of the users of our website, which is why we take all appropriate and necessary measures within the law, adopting modern technological processes, advanced technical equipment and software.

Visitors and users of the services of this website while surfing on its website, may be asked to provide voluntarily information and data relating to them to subscribe to services, receive updates, ordering products and enjoy the services of www.skinglos.com.

The personal data includes any information concerning the data subject to the statutory exceptions. In this data the designated according to the law, as simple personal data, special protection is included (Article. 2 paragraph 1b, Law 2472/1997). The personal data includes all the simple personal details. The processing of personal data of the visitors - users, with or without the help of any automatic means, is recommended in any task or a number of tasks such as the collection, recording, organization, maintenance or storage, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, interconnection, blocking (blocking), cancelation or destruction (art. 2d, Law 2472/1997). The processing of the users of the Company is confidential. Our Company takes appropriate organizational and technical measures to secure data protection against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access or other illegal forms of processing.

The Company acting in accordance with the principle of legality, appropriateness and proportionality process the users’ data, which is acquired legally and is kept on file, in strict accordance with the law (art. 5 Law 2472/1997), only by acquiring the user’s consent. The Company states that proceeds legally at the users’ data which is collected fairly and lawfully for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and that, fairly and lawfully are processed ahead of these objectives. Aims that justify the procedure include among others, the execution of the users’ order of this web site, the information requested by users’ newsletter and generally effective delivery of those services offered by the Company. Our company legally processes and transmits to users’ data in partner courier companies, to enable the delivery of the ordered products. The process is limited to the absolute necessary level (article. 5, paragraph 1, Law 3471/2006).

Furthermore, the collected processed data- is adequate, relevant and not excessive in any given time in relation to the purposes of the processing, and it is also, accurate and, if needed, subjected to update (using legal procedure) and kept in a form which permits the identification of subjects only for the period required for the attainment of the objectives of the data collection and processing (art. 4 par. 1 Law. 2472/1997). Our Company files contracts with the consumers - users of this Site, within the institutional framework and driven smooth processing of orders. Consumer access to these existing filing contracts can be specifically requested, if needed.

Unique, exhaustively listed in the law (art. 5 par. 2. Law 2472/1997) cases, in which the Company may make a simple edit of user data without their consent, are as follow:
a) The processing is necessary for the performing of a convention, in which the partner’s party is subject to the acquisition of measures after filling in an application during the pre- contractual stage. b) The processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the obligation of the controller, which is required by law. c) The processing is necessary to protect the vital interest of the subject, whether it is physically or legally incapable of giving his consent. d) the processing is necessary for works of public interest, or work out in the exercise of public authority and carried out by a public authority or assigned by it to the controller or in a third party to whom the data is disclosed. e) The processing is absolutely necessary to meet the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by the third party or parties to whom the data is disclosed, provided that this is clearly superior to the rights and interests of data subjects and data is not encroached on the fundamental freedoms of those.

Furthermore, the processing of data by our Company is permitted when: the user is informed about the nature of the data, the purpose and scope of the processing, the recipients or categories of recipients, or the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract, in which the user is a party, or to take measures during the pre-contractual stage, at the request of the subscriber, even without the user's consent (art. 5, paragraph 2 Law .3471 / 2006). The design and selection of the technical means and systems, and equipment for the provision of services to users of our Company are the basic criteria to process as few personal data as possible. The allowable storage and processing as described above are indicative of the user information, the processing of a customer’s order, to provide requested services and any action under this contract with the Company.

Sensitive personal data of users, such as those described by the law, are not collected by the Company in any way. As an exception to this rule, the Company may collect and process simple personal data after authorization by the competent authority subject too strict, restrictive conditions mentioned by the law.
Consent of the data subject, is any freely given specific and explicit statement of intention, expressed in a clear and informative way, and in which the data subject, having been previously informed, accepts to become the customer’s personal data concerning it. This information includes at least information for the purpose of processing, the data or categories of data being processed, the recipients or categories of recipient of personal data, as well as the name, the name and address of the controller and any representative. The consent may be revoked at any time, without retroactive effect (Article. 2 ia, Law. 2472/1997). A record is not required to provide consent for processing simple user data, so the consent may be given electronically, by all appropriate means.

The users of this web site during the stage of data collection are getting informed by appropriate and clear for the purpose of processing and the recipients of their data. Users enjoy the statutory rights regarding their personal data, have the right to be informed, and have access to their data and objections to the specific provisions of the law (art. 11,12,13 respectively, Law. 2472/1997). Specifically, the objections are addressed written to the controller and must contain a request for specific action, such as correction, temporarily not used, commitment, non-transfer or cancelation. The controller is required to reply in a written way to the objections within fifteen (15) days. To exercise the right of opposition, you can send an email to our company at info@skinglos.com

The visitors - users of electronic www.skinglos.com store in the provision of their data within their transactions with the store, the recording member and all other cases, informed consent and accept the processing of their personal data for the purposes the smooth completion of the transaction and the adequate provision of this website service. The voluntary registration of visitors-users of the shop ofarmakopoiosmou.gr their personal data entitles our company to undertake processing of such data in order to fulfill orders and to properly provide the services requested by users. Guests-users of electronic skinglos.com store with this entry provide their statutory required consent to processing of their personal data provided by the Company, within the law.

Any use of electronic communications services which are provided through a public communications network and are publicly available electronic communications and the related traffic data and location data, as defined in Article 2 par. 3 of Law 3471/2006, are protected by confidentiality of communications (article. 4 par. 1 Law. 3471/2006). Personal data of users on this site are protected as confidential by appropriate technological tools and methods. The waiver of confidentiality shall be allowed only under the conditions and procedures laid down by Article 19 of the Constitution. It is forbidden to the guests, users and any third natural or legal person or other organization, the use of spyware on user data held by the Company and the storage and processing of data - including data trafficking - for advertising or other purposes (article. 4 approx. 2, Law. 3471/2006). The Company states that none of the above techniques and practices and any user data is processed within the strictly defined conditions of the law.

The file identification «Cookies» are text files installed automatically, with short content, that are stored on the user’s computer who visits the website. The File «Cookies» are sent by a website to the user's terminal equipment during his first visit to it and follow a reverse rout during his next visits to the same website. The «Cookies» from this site are used to identify the user by means of statistical data to improve services website for this, such as by providing personalized services. The harmless for the user collection of non-personal information and data that does not in any way reveal his identity, contributes to the faster and more efficient operation of our website through statistical evaluations and comparative observations resulting in faster processing of user orders and overall optimization services on this website. The technical file storage «Cookies» are allowed with the consent of the user, which may be given by appropriate settings in the web browser (browser) or via another application, for the purposes of the transmission, of a communication or the service explicitly requested by the user (art. 4 paragraph 5, Law. 3471/2006). Any use of files «Cookies» for promotional purposes is specified by the law. The user may delete these records «Cookies», from his terminal equipment.

At our e-shop, it may be included ads in any form, such as advertising icons (banners, hypertext links in text (text links) and frames (frames). Our Company respects the provisions of existing legislation relating to unfair competition and consumer protection of the Greek Law (N. 146/1914 and 2251/1994). In particular, it refrains from unfair trade practices while respecting the laws that govern the operation of our online store, we act with professional courtesy by following the codes of conduct that bind the commercial activity motivated by the excellent service of consumers through advanced technology services in a friendly and easy to use environment. Respecting high standards of professional integrity, abstain from deceptive trade practices. We provide the prospective client all material information about our products, completed with information on their rights as a consumer is well-informed about the general and individual terms of trade in order to make an informed decision before contracting with our online store. Moreover, we abstain from aggressive commercial practices in the promotion of our products in full respect of the freedom of choice of candidates to our clients, ensuring the provision of full information for, the law or our customers’ contract rights.

The offers, discounts and gifts, promotional competitions and games, to the extent permitted by applicable law (unfair competition and consumer protection), it is clearly recognizable, the access to the conditions under which one can benefit from the offerings or with whom they can participate in the contests is easy, the terms are presented clearly and precisely. Further, the provision of samples and gifts for advertising purposes, without prior order, it is carried out legally with a way that is fair, and with respect to the applicable Greek Law (art. 4 par. 5). B’ N. 2251/1994). Our online store, respects your private life, will never send you an email with requesting information from you (via promotional emails – spamming). The visitors/customers of the shop skinglos.com accept to receive free messages with advertising content and update messages for promotions of the e-shop, discounts and competitions where you enroll in the Newsletter of the e-shop or at the transaction with the online store, provided, the ability to oppose, with an easy and free way.

Our Company, in the general use of commercial communications by our e-shop respects the professional rules governing the independence, dignity and honor of the profession, professional secrecy and honesty to clients and colleagues and ethical (Art. 7 P.D. 131/2003).
6. Customs Office Clause
It is to the customer’s obligation to get informed about the conditions and specifications required by the legislation of his country of residence, so that the products ordered from our online store ensure their uninterrupted course from our store to the recipient consumer. For the necessary specifications, the consumer is informed by the official authorities of the country in which the products are delivered. In particular, products must meet specific customs requirements, conditions and restrictions so as to be imported into the country of destination, such as compositional specifications, species, weight, size, dimensions, requirements of necessary accompanying documents, manuals, etc. The consumer has to confirm that the products he orders from our online store meet these specifications.

The consumer can be informed about the features of our store's products either by contacting the product manufacturer or our online store or by any other available way. If the customer finds out that the products do not meet the requirements needed so as to be imported into the country of destination, he/she must abstain from the order, otherwise he/she will bear any costs involved. In particular, the consumer is charged with any cost arising from the refusal of the authorities of the country of destination to authorize the entry of the product into its territory, whether it is the cost of sending and returning the product to our online store, or the cost of storage or necessary handling, or for additional duties or for legally imposed fines due to non-compliance of the products with the legal requirements.