Privacy policy

The website is proprietary to the Company “Skin Glos” located in Aritstoteli Valaoriti 3, Ioannina, Greece, VAT No. 049417105 of the Ioannina Tax Office (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), tel. 6949126653, e-mail:

Our Company, respecting the current legislation, implements the appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the processing of the personal data that we collect from you when you visit our website.

The use of this website implies the acceptance of this Privacy Policy, i.e. your consent on the collection, use, and further transmission of your personal data for purposes related to the use of our website and the provided services. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read this Privacy Policy:

Our Company collects personal data about you directly from you. We collect your data through this website and/or in other ways. All processing of your personal data is done in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016/EU), as supplemented by the relevant national and European legislation for the protection of personal data. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data may sometimes be your consent, and sometimes it may not meet one of the other conditions of the law (indicatively the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party).

The Company can at any time update or modify this Privacy Policy, in order to respond to any changes in the operation of the website, the services provided, and the law provisions.

In this Privacy Policy, the following definitions apply:

The term “Controller” refers to a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other subject that defines, individually or in cooperation with others, the purposes, and means for the processing of personal data.

The term “Personal Data” refers to information that can identify, directly or indirectly, an individual who uses the website or one of our services, such as the person’s name, id number, address, email address, online identity, or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

The term “Specific Category Data” or “Sensitive Personal Data” refers to any information that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union affiliation, genetic data, biometric data, data relating to the health or data relating to a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

The term “Processing” refers to any operation performed on personal data, whether by automated means or not, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

The term “Consent” of the data subject refers to any freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes by which they, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signify agreement to the processing of personal data relating to them.


The Company under the corporate name “Skin Glos” is responsible for any processing of personal data carried out by the Company or its partners, exclusively for the purposes and in the manner determined by the Company.


Visits to website do not involve the automatic registration of any personal data that identifies you. However, there are some non-personal or identifiable information that can be collected and complied with on the website (for example, the type of user's Internet browser, the user's operating system for accessing websites on the site in order to improve our services, such as the experience of navigating and managing the website. Furthermore, we automatically collect information about you, such as your e-mail address (IP address) and your domain name. This information may be used to provide you with a more personalized experience when you visit our site.

However, in order to use certain services on our website, place an order and enjoy our services you may be asked to provide personal information such as name, surname, address, telephone number, email address, and, if you wish to issue an invoice, your company name, profession, TIN and Tax Office.

In order to stay up-to-date on the latest products and services, you shall register your e-mail on our website so that a relevant newsletter is sent to you.

In any case, the Company will provide you with the necessary information, so that you can give prior consent for the processing of your personal data for one or more special processing purposes.

You may also be asked to provide us with information about your location or your personal preferences and interests in order to provide you with more personalized services. The collection of this data can also be done by electronic means, you may choose the appropriate settings so that similar personal data is not collected. The information provided will be stored in the databases of the Company, manually or electronically.


“Cookies” are self-installed text files, with short content, stored in text files on your computer when you visit a website. The Cookies files are sent from a website to the user’s terminal equipment during the first visit to it and are reversed during the next visits of the user to the same website. The Cookies that come from this website serve to identify the user and through statistical data improve the services provided by the website to him, such as the provision of personalized services. The harmless collection for the user of non-personal information and data that in no way reveals his identity, contributes to the faster and more efficient operation of our website through statistical evaluations and comparative observations, to the faster processing of user orders, and to the general optimization of the services provided on this website. The technical storage of Cookies files is allowed with the consent of the user which can be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application, for the purposes of passing a communication or providing a service explicitly requested by the user. The possible use of “Cookies” files for advertising purposes is done within the framework set by law. The user has the possibility to delete the Cookies files from his terminal equipment, at any time. However, such an action may have consequences on the ease of access to the website and may result in reduced functionality or usability.

This website has access to and stores cookies, as well as related technologies to your computer. Cookies may be either first-party or third-party. They are used to gather data on user preferences and provide a customized view of our website in order to provide you with an improved user experience. Cookies technology can be used to collect information such as the type of browser software, the server, the language selected by visitors, their preferences their searches, and their geolocation.

The company uses third-party cookies. These cookies display marketing information on other websites visited by the user. This information is shared with third parties in the context of creating targeted advertising material that can be sent to the user when visiting third-party websites. In addition, the related cookie technology allows measurements related to user activity on another website that referred the user to our website or correspondingly related to user activity that our website referred to another website. Cookies may also be used for security purposes (prevention of cyber-attacks).


We collect your personal data, exclusively to inform you about our activities, services, and products as well as the services and products of third parties with whom our Company cooperates for advertising purposes. You can also contact our Company through the contact form. The information you enter in the relevant form can be used for one of the following purposes:

• Our Company's communication with you (to respond to your own message/request to our Company).

• Registration in the list of newsletter recipients (an electronic document containing information about product offers and services, as well as news and events both of the Company and third-party companies, discount coupons, and contests).

• Participation in our contests.

• Supply of our products. Your personal data will be used to issue a relevant document for your transaction with our Company and to send the products to the desired address through the carriers cooperating with our Company.

• Provision of beauty and health advice.

The Company may, in compliance with the relevant provisions of the law, use the user's personal data in order to / for:

• Send personalized information about new products and services.

• Send regular updates that the Company deems interesting for the User.

• Send information upon request about products and services.

• Market research and marketing purposes.

• Serve internal purposes of the Company's administration and improve the services provided.

• "Direct promotion" actions, including any communication by the Company for the purposes of promoting products and services.

All personal data collected and further processed by the Company is appropriate, sufficient, and limited to the needs and purposes for which is collected. We further process your personal data in a way that guarantees its accuracy, continuous updating and security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, taking any technical and organizational measure deemed appropriate for that purpose and in particular, through the encryption, coding, pseudonymization, and anonymization of personal data, as well as the control, monitoring and regular recording of all processing operations.

We will provide you with all the necessary information to indicate your prior consent to the processing of your personal data by the Company for one or more specific purposes. You can withdraw your consent at any time, easily and free of charge. In cases where you are not given the possibility to automatically revoke your consent, contact in any way our Company and we will provide you with all the necessary information about the desired revocation.

When you consent to the automated processing of your personal data, the Company collects and processes information based on your personal preferences and interests only to provide you with personalized information and/or notifications about the Company’s services and activities through actions of direct promotion.

The data collected is also intended to meet legal obligations. The Company undertakes to maintain strict confidentiality of all data while retaining access to them, as required by its normal course of business.

The contact information you provide us will be kept in our database and can be used for the occasional sending of information via e-mail about products and services similar to those that are the subject of your contract with the Company. If you do not wish to receive such information, please exercise your rights as described below:

The Company provides the data subjects with the rights provided by the law and facilitates their exercise. At the same time, we provide the subjects with complete information about their rights. Specifically, data subjects have the right to:

1. Request access to their rights (processing information);

2. Request the correction of their inaccurate personal data;

3. Request the deletion of their personal data they have provided;

4. Request the limitation of the processing of their personal data;

5. Request the portability of their personal data, and

6. Be opposed to their further processing.

In the event that you exercise one of the above rights, the Company will take all reasonable steps to answer in writing within 30 days from the identification of your submitted request.

Moreover, in case you exercise one or more of the aforementioned rights of correction, deletion, and limitation of the processing of your personal data, our Company commits to forward the relevant requests to all the third parties to which your data have been disclosed within the framework of the above processing purposes.


In addition to collecting data by the aforementioned means, when expressly authorized, the Company uses technology that enables the collection of information for the users of this website. For example, the web server automatically collects information about the pages that you have visited, as well as the browser that you use.

Our website contains hyperlinks to other pages of the website. The technology can also be used to track the frequency with which these links are used and which pages are the most visited.

When provided by the website’s user, this information may be used for direct marketing purposes.


With your consent, your personal data can be transferred to our affiliated companies. If you are in a country other than where the Company’s servers are located, communications may involve cross-border transfer of information.

By visiting our website and communicating with the Company through electronic means, you authorize the processing and transfer of your Personal Data as defined in this Privacy Policy.


All personal data is kept for a predetermined and limited period depending on the purpose of processing, at the end of which, such personal data is deleted from our databases. The personal data you provide to our Company through this website or in other ways will be kept for as long as you wish to enjoy our services and related updates as above, and you can revoke your consent at any time. In the case of a sales contract with a reasonable period of retention of your personal data is five years from the completion of the sales contract. The time that your Personal Data can be retained by our Company additionally depends on the relevant obligations of our Company provided in the current legislation (tax, etc.) and the provisions of the law for their maximum retention period.


In case of dispute or any claim regarding this website, Greek law will apply, regardless of the type of dispute.

For all actions or legal proceedings that arise or relate to this Privacy Policy, its validity, implementation, fulfillment or violation or the content of this Privacy Policy, the Greek Courts, whose jurisdiction is irrevocably recognized, are competent.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right to exercise its legal rights before the courts of the place of breach of this Privacy Policy.


To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the proper use of your personal data, we have taken reasonable steps to protect your personal data. However, no method of Internet transmission or electronic storage is 100% secure.

The Company has taken reasonable precautions to secure the personal information available through the online community.

In case you consider that your personal data has been affected in any way, you can contact the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, as follows: Website:

Postal Address: Kifisias Avenue 1-3, P.C. 115 23, Athens

Call center: +30 210 6475600

Fax: +30 210 6475628


This privacy policy may change from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page.

This Policy’s validity date is June 20, 2023.