
Our Manifestο

Every revolution requires a worthy manifesto, and here’s ours:

It’s 7am. The morning sun is streaming
through the bathroom window. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.


Pawing at your tired skin, you notice a row of pimples clawing at the surface. In a panic, you lather up, gathering every product sitting pretty on your bathroom shelf.


Your skin rejects your slap-dash skincare approach and flares up.

Sound familiar?

Skin Glos is here to help remove your skin-fear and provide proven products & practices.

Here’s how we do it:


Ethical, Always

Being involved with every single step of the sourcing and manufacturing process means we know exactly where our products come from and the impact they’re having.

We’re a small business and this is our strength. We’re able to oversee every small batch of Skin Glos products, never compromising quality for quantity.

Vegan, cruelty-free, and kind to humanity. It’s the only way to be.


100% science-backed

Skincare shouldn’t be a guessing game. We’re hot on chemistry because it’s the only proven method to achieve results. By combining nature + science, we’re able
to create products that bring out the best of your natural skin.



We told you we’d be honest, so here it is: we’re in the business of consumption. Although our intentions and ambitions are positive, this doesn’t deter from the reality of the situation. But, we believe by doing our bit to raise awareness for the environment and prioritising Earth-friendly materials where possible, we can inspire conscious
consumption. One step in the direction everyday is our biggest aim.


The feel good, no make-up promise

Our aversion to masking issues means we promise to help you feel confident enough not to cover up. We provide you with the knowledge to decode the ingredients, so you can understand for yourself just how potent & powerful our formulas are.

We make sure you feel good about looking good because you deserve to believe in the skin you have, not the ideals the beauty industry sells to you.



It’s a style & substance game. At the forefront of our mission is providing functional solutions to your skin insecurities and concerns.

Whether you suffer from a skin condition, frequently attract those pesky blackheads, or are noticing one too many wrinkles and fine lines, our clean formulas (synthetic fragrance, silicones, sulphates & parabens don’t fly with us), will have you falling back in love with your skin.


Committed to education

This isn’t a buy and bye situ. We know it takes time to make change, which is why we’re in it for the long haul. We’ll continue providing the tools and resources to expand your skincare education.


Utterly unique

Skin Glos is for people who go against the grain. We’re not like other skincare brands, and we don’t want to be. We’re is founded on skincare education with a passion for putting you in control of your journey. We don’t care about fancy labels and going viral for the wrong reasons. For us, skincare is about embracing your uniqueness, empowering your relationship with yourself, and always being unafraid to tell your story.